Promoting Sustainable Mountain Development, Sustainable Agriculture, Handicrafts and Sustainable Tourism in High Mountain Himalayan Regions of Uttarakhand
Malla Dummar, Munsyari Block
Commenced : Smt Tulsi Devi Rawat in memory of her late brother Shri Hari Singh Jangpangi, Freedom -fighter on his death, in 1953
Organizers: Shri Hari Smarak Samiti, Malla Dummar ( President: Lalit Singh ) and Malla Johar Vikas Samiti, Johar Sahkarai Vikas Sangh, Sarmoli Aushadh Samanvaya Pariyojna, Him-Kutis, Johar Club and all local bodies
Venue: Malla Dummar, Munsyari Block district Pithoragarh ( Mela Ground )
Dates : 5, 6 and 7th November, 2015
Participants : Villagers of Munsyari block and Munsyari diaspora
Participating Institutions: Herbal Research Development Institute, Gopeshwar
Vivekanand Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan shala ( VPKAS), Almora
Uttarakhand Organic Commodities Dev Board 9 UOCB), DDun
Cultural Directorate, Dehradun
Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, Dehradun
Dabur Research Division, Dineshpur , US Nagar
Munsyari Kshetra Samiti, Munsyari
Sarmoli Aushadh Samnvaya Samiti, Sarmoli, Munsyari
Malla Johar Vikas Samiti, Munsyari
Him-Kutir Sanstha and Saras Marketing Centre, Munsyari
Centre for Public Policy, Doon University, Dehradun
Munsyari Library & Mountain Resaerch Centre, Munsyari
Main Events :
5th Novemeber, 2015 ( Thursday )
Herbal farmers visit to HRDI Campus and Visit to Sarmoli Herbal
Garden, developed by Sarmoli Aushdh Samanvaya Project, jointly
sponsored under Public Private Partnership ( PPP ): An innovative
Herbal Initiative developed by HRDI and Daburs Research Division
6th November, 2015 ( Friday )
O Uttam Singh Sayana Jadi-Buti Vikas Goshthi
O Govind Singh Pangtey MJVS Annual Meeting ( Post Migration)
Lectures & Q & A by Herbal Scientists
Lectures & Q & A by Vivekanand Scientists
Annual Review by Migrant Joharis after their return from Johar
Discussion on Malla Dummar Herbal Garden and Model Gardens
Interface with Senior Citizens of Johar-Munsyari
Discussion of Oon-Chan ( wool dev ) by DIC staff and project staff
Cultural presentations by School Students
On the Sport Painting Competition of School Children
Prize Distribution for Painting
Honoring of Family members of Sayana ji and Gulab Singh ji.
7th November, 2015 ( Saturday )
Role of Banks in Development of Agriculture & Tourisms
All four banks situated in Munsyari to share their Schemes and
Prize Distribution Agriculture and Handicrafts
Prize Distribution for Best Village Group in Tradition Dress
Main Arrangements:
O All three Days , Free Transporation of Participants from Munsyari-Dummar , Dhapa – Dummar and Madkot-Dummar, each Maxi will make three trips each in Forenoon and Afternoon ( Fixed Timings )
O On 5th Lunch being provided to Herbal garden Visitors ( at HRDI Campus, after return from Garden Visit ).
O On 6th and 7th Lunch being rovided to all visitors to the Exhibition
O Cultural Programmes bt Troups sponsored by Culture Department on the 5th and 6th November evening, at Mela Ground.
O Malla Dummar is offering Home Stay facilities for which residents of Malla Dummar need to be contacted personally. Organized arrangements will be notified soon.
O On the Spot Paiting by Children sponsored by Preeti & Priyanka Tolia in memory of their grand-mother Mrs Bishni Devi Tolia ( nee Jangpangi )
O Govind Singh Pangtey MJVS Annual Meeting sponsored by Pushkar Jangpangi
O HRDI, Cultural, Tourism events sponsored by respective departments/organisations
O Those interested in sponsoring Prizes for various events like Agricyulture, Handicrafts etc may approach the organizers, whose mobile numbers are given below:
Contact Mobiie Numbers:
Lalit Singh Jangpangi : 94 111 94076
Pushkar Singh Jangpangi : 94 111 11525
Lok Bahadur Singh Jangpangi : 94 117 76638
Laxman Singh Brijwal : 84 490 10702
Appeal : Spare time for strengthening the socio-economic development of your ancestral village by strengthening the institutions working for promoting agriculture and other livelihoods activities; Get back t your ancestral villages; contrubute resources and your tie for promoting sustainable development of mountain regions.
Visit Shri Hari Pradarshini Mela in Malla Dummar and show solidarity with your ancestral folks.
Visuals: Accompanying visusla are from the 61st Sri Hari Krishi va Hasth-Kala Udyog Pradarshini.